Contributing to Others!

Contributing to the learning of others is something that was an important aspect of the class! I contributed to my classmates in a few ways! I commented on their posts. In these comments I left my suggestions and knowledge that I had. I answered questi…

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My Contributions To The Classroom Community

Over the course of the semester, being involved in the classroom community was very important to me. I chose to stay connected with my classmates through posting on the Discord community, replying to the posts of my classmates, as well as replying to the comments that had been left on my own posts. I was very fortunate to have a great group of classmates that I was not only interacting with their blogs, but they were with mine as well….

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Barn Yard

This week I wanted to focus on putting all of my skills I have practices to the test! I wanted to stick to a theme within my final batch of decorating and the theme I choose is barn yard animals. Growing up on a farm I thought this would be the perfect…

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Final Learning Project Post

As I reflect on my healthy lifestyle journey, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue prioritizing my well being. This journey has been transformative, filled with new experiences, challenges, and triumphs. In this final blog post, I will share the highlights of my journey, the lessons I’ve learned, and how […]

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