Summary of Learning :)

Final Thoughts So, this is the end. I have enjoyed this class so much. My mind has been opened to the idea of bringing technology into the classroom at a variety of ages and ability levels. I think I have been scared to integrate technology because I did not fully understand its uses, as I did not experience using it much in school. But, I am so happy I had the opportunity to learn more about it in this course,…

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Final Networked Learning Post

Contributing to the learning of others was a huge part of this class! I’ve contributed to the learning of my classmates in a few different ways— Discord, commenting, encouragement, feedback… you name it! Below I have attached a few screenshots of my contributions. (I may have missed a few, but I tried to find a […]

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Its been a Blast ! Summary of learning   At the beginning of this course, I joined Discord, and I was blogging. I openly discussed my age, growing up (or perhaps my life story), thoughts, reflections, and challenges. Throughout this semester, I continuously improved and developed … Continue reading

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Learning Together

One of the first things we talked about in this class is that throughout our journey is this class we have the opportunity and are encouraged to help one another learn. Having this made clear right off the hop helped for and my classmates be engaged. With having a class full of diversity, it helped […]

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