Summary of Learning :)

Final Thoughts So, this is the end. I have enjoyed this class so much. My mind has been opened to the idea of bringing technology into the classroom at a variety of ages and ability levels. I think I have been scared to integrate technology because I did not fully understand its uses, as I did not experience using it much in school. But, I am so happy I had the opportunity to learn more about it in this course,…

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Final Networked Learning Post

Contributing to the learning of others was a huge part of this class! I’ve contributed to the learning of my classmates in a few different ways— Discord, commenting, encouragement, feedback… you name it! Below I have attached a few screenshots of my contributions. (I may have missed a few, but I tried to find a […]

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Yes, You Can Teach Old Dogs New Tricks!

This semester I wanted to approach the Learning Project with an idea that I knew I would keep up with beyond the seven weeks we had to work. I chose to teach all three of my dogs a new trick. I absolutely love spending time with my dogs and was so excited to embark on this journey with them. Today my dogs have not only learned some new things but have also shown great progress in their attentiveness to commands,…

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My Contributions To The Classroom Community

Over the course of the semester, being involved in the classroom community was very important to me. I chose to stay connected with my classmates through posting on the Discord community, replying to the posts of my classmates, as well as replying to the comments that had been left on my own posts. I was very fortunate to have a great group of classmates that I was not only interacting with their blogs, but they were with mine as well….

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Final Learning Project Post

As I reflect on my healthy lifestyle journey, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue prioritizing my well being. This journey has been transformative, filled with new experiences, challenges, and triumphs. In this final blog post, I will share the highlights of my journey, the lessons I’ve learned, and how […]

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