Social Media… An Infectious Joke or A New Cultural Order?

Welcome everyone, 
In our lecture this week, Introduction to the Digital World, we had the ability to explore the different ways in which our modern-day technologies have evolve…

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Digital Learning

Digital media and the use of technology has elevated our living in multiple ways; we can learn online, communicate easily, use multiple online resources to run our life by sitting home,… etc. It’s interesting how Michael Wesch in his video (An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube) describes the new culture of media as “……..the replication and […]

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Hand Embroidery

It was exciting to select my next hand embroidery blog. I learnt about some floral embroidery last week, I planned to have learning about leaves embroidery, for this week’s post. While I was searching for some instruction videos, I found an interesting youtubers page, where she has posted not only her instructions, but she also […]

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With the Aid of Paper

It’s pretty interesting the sources of inspiration and help one can find when they are least expecting it. After doing some more research into needle sizes and bead options for my learning project, I was feeling a little bit overwhelmed. Excited still, but overwhelmed. So I decided to do a little more digging into ideas […]

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Culture of Participation

It is almost unfathomable to think about how much the internet and our digital world has changed since the internet was launched. Our class discussion regarding the reaction of someone from the 1950 being plucked from what they know and dropped into our current digital culture definitely sparked some thought about what I see as […]

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