Final Network Learning Post

Throughout this course, I have actively engaged in various activities to contribute to the learning of my peers. My efforts include commenting on classmates’ blogs, interacting on Discord, and creating resources to help others. I regularly commented on my classmates’ blog posts to provide feedback, ask questions, and share additional resources. This engagement not only […]

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My flowerbed is complete!!!! I was so excited to finish this project. It was terrific to accomplish a project I had been putting off for the last three years. Using different online sources gave me more ideas for creating the perfect flowerbed, and I was more successful because I used multiple online sources. Learning Project […]

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Who Am I? Why Teaching?

As all of you already know my name is Brayden Lovas and I have lived in Regina for the entirety of my life. As you all already know this is my third year in the Faculty of Education. And also I am a huge fitness and sports person. Something though that I wanted to touch […]

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Networking Connections

Over the course of this semester, I took 3 spring classes which lead for a very busy Spring.  During this time, I found networking to be one of the more difficult things to accomplish, while engaged in 3 classes and working full-time.
Being able…

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