The “Ultimate Guitar” lessons

I really tried to do some digging but was ultimately trapped by countless apps and websites wanting full payment before being able to use them. for this weeks post I went with a website that is quite simple and pretty similar to another app I previously used called Guitar tab. This new website I found is called ultimate guitar, this is a free to use website or app that you can access at any time. when looking for overall ease…

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Back to the world wide web for guitar lessons

For post 5 I chose to switch it up a little bit and go back to the internet to find new ways to learn the guitar. After searching through some forums and reddit posts I found this interesting website called When I first opened this website, my first thought was that you would need to pay to access any of the lessons because it seemed way to professional to be free. To my surprise it was all free, any…

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Uberchord not Uber eats

Similar to last week I decided to use a new app, this weeks app is called Uberchord. While searching for resources I stumbled onto this app, intrigued I downloaded it and dove into the learning process. As soon as the app opened I was sadly hit with a subscription process where you pay to have full access to the otherwise free app. I did my best to avoid the relentless pop ups and make it to the actual app; I…

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Learning guitar with help from Guitar tabs

As I spend more time with my guitar I feel myself becoming much more comfortable. I am in no way very good as of  now but it is slowly starting to feel more natural and comfortable. For this weeks post I wanted to give a new app a try; I went on to the appstore on my phone and found something called “guitar tabs”, I was intrigued and wanted to know how this could possibly be a resource for me…

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Can Youtube help with learning guitar?

After having some time to try and remember what I had previously learned I feel that I have been decently successful. I relearned my simple scale, and have been working on relearning the basic cords. I feel that this is a pretty good starting point because the scales help with finger movement on the fret board and learning the cords is just something I should know if I want to succeed in playing the guitar. Of course because I am…

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Diving Into The Learning Project

For my first learning project post I wanted to dive into something that I have a little bit of an understanding with. For my learning project I wanted to focus on playing the guitar, yes this is very basic however I have been on and off trying to learn how to play for years now and my thoughts were just that I have this assignment maybe I can use it to actually learn how to play. Just for some background…

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