My Daily Tech Habits

My daily tech habits are possibly some of the worst that exist out there. I almost always have a screen on, except when I am sleeping. It could be the TV shows that I watch with my parents or on my own, YouTube videos, playing on my Switch, or working on my computer for hours […]

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My Everyday with Technology

In today’s world technology is everything. If you need groceries, to talk to a friend, to check your email, or to pay your bills, it is all on your phone. Technology has a major impact on my daily life, my screen time is about 9-11 hours daily, which is only for my phone. My most […]

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Me + Tech = Love/Hate Relationship

Soooo … when I think about my relationship with tech, it reminds me of my younger years when tech played a very simple role in my life. Starting with TV when I was a kid watching things like cartoons and Family Channel, it was often a point of connection with my family when we’d all sit together and laugh at what we were watching. As I got older, and further into elementary school, I got my first mp3 player. It…

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Birria Tacos!

This week for my learning project I decided to make birria tacos because they are one of my favourite foods! Although I only have ever had them once at Leopold’s Tavern, they were so delicious! Anytime I see a post on social media about birria tacos my mouth starts watering because they look and taste […]

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My Relationship With Technology

I recognize that technology has an influence and impact on my daily life. In my daily life, I use many different websites, apps, and online platforms for personal, work, and school use. My phone has an average screen time of about 5-7 hours a day. This is also not including any time I spend on […]

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