The Balance Between Productive & Unproductive Tech Use…

In my daily life, I use many different social platforms through majority of the day. My main social platform apps that I use are the usual like Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram & YouTube. For study purposes, I use the Notes app on my iPhone quite frequently, Microsoft Word & Microsoft PowerPoint. Finding the balance between …

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Part 2: Canva Tips and Tricks

Hi everyone !! Welcome to the second week of my journey of learning how to use Canva! The first video I stumbled upon this week was on TikTok – and it was mind blowing! As someone who is picky about colors and aesthetics, I will absolutely be using this trick. As an example, you can take any image you’d like: Then choose any color palette you’d like (from google) then copy and paste it into Canva – ontop of your…

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My Daily Tech Habits

My daily tech habits are possibly some of the worst that exist out there. I almost always have a screen on, except when I am sleeping. It could be the TV shows that I watch with my parents or on my own, YouTube videos, playing on my Switch, or working on my computer for hours […]

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