
  Hello! Tansi! My name is Elizabeth Head. I’m fortunate to have an amazing and supportive family – my husband and two children. Last semester was hectic, and expecting a similar schedule this fall. Despite the demands, my husband has been incredibly supportive, taking care of the kids. I’m doing this for them and myself; they’re my inspiration!   I’ve come from Shoal Lake Cree Nation; the Cree term is pâhkwâw-sâkahikanihk (Shoal Lake). I’ve spent most of my life here,…

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Embark on an Excel Journey!!

For my learning project I have chosen to learn more about Microsoft excel. I have always found it to be so interesting when people can create elaborate worksheets, and I felt that since this class was about technology I should finally learn to use excel. This is also an inexpensive skill that does take time to learn, so while I have an opportunity to learn I probably should. As it currently stands I don’t have many capabilities with Excel beyond…

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Learning Pickleball!

For my learning project, I have decided to learn how to play pickleball! This includes learning all the individual skills needed to play as well as the technical and rules side of the sport. At this point (2 weeks into the semester), I have started to be able to properly hit the ball, aim and […]

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