My Cyber Safety Experience

In my schooling, “cyber safety” and digital citizenship were primarily approached through a combination of scare tactics and basic education on proper use. Presentations on online dangers were a common method, often featuring dramatic stories and alarming statistics about cyberbullying, online predators, and identity theft. Alongside scare tactics, we were also given basic guidelines and rules about internet use. This included not sharing personal information, using strong passwords, and recognizing phishing attempts. Occasionally, workshops and classes were dedicated to understanding these…

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Our Changed World

Reflecting on the changed world and the new culture of participation, as discussed in our lecture and by Michael Wesch in his video “The Machine is Us/ing Us,” we see a significant shift in how we approach education and schooling. The integration of technology and digital tools into our daily lives has transformed not only how we access information but also how we interact with it and each other. Future Classroom Implications In my future classroom, this means embracing a…

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Exploring Animaker

In the ever-evolving landscape of educational technology, finding innovative tools to enhance classroom experiences is crucial. This week, I delved into Animaker, an intuitive online animation tool designed to help users create professional-quality animations. This blog post will provide an overview of Animaker, basic instructions for using it, tips for maximizing its potential, and a discussion on its application in the classroom, specifically how it aligns with the SAMR model. Overview of Animaker Animaker is a cloud-based animation software that…

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The Role Of Technology in Our Daily Lives

Balancing Technology in Daily Life Given the significant role that technology now plays in our day-to-day lives, it’s crucial to understand how it influences our routines, both personally and academically. As a fourth-year student in the Faculty of Education, managing my tech habits has become an essential part of staying organized and productive. Here’s a look at how I navigate my digital landscape. Frequently Used Websites and Apps, in my daily life, I find myself frequently using a mix of…

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Navigating Daily Tech Habits

Striking a Balance Between Productivity and Leisure Given the significant role that technology now plays in our day-to-day lives, it’s crucial to understand how it influences our daily routines, both personally and academically. As a university student, my daily tech habits involve a mix of tools for productivity and apps for leisure. Here’s a look into how technology shapes my days and the strategies I use to balance its benefits and distractions. Frequently Used Websites, Apps, and Online Platforms In my daily routine, I rely on several websites and apps. Here are the ones I use most frequently:                         While the majority of these are for leisure and social interaction, they play a significant role in my routine, providing relaxation and a way to stay connected with friends and family. Tools for Organization and Productivity To manage my academic responsibilities and stay organized, I use a few key digital tools: Digital Planner on iPad: This planner helps me map out my days, weeks, and months, keeping track of assignments, deadlines, and personal events. Phone Calendar: Syncing with my digital planner, my phone calendar helps ensure I know where I need to be and when. It’s especially useful for setting reminders and alerts for upcoming tasks. These tools are crucial for organizing my thoughts and maintaining a busy schedule. Features like colour-coding, reminders, and easy access across devices make them particularly effective. Tackling Tech-Related Distractions Despite the advantages, technology can also be a source of significant distractions. My biggest tech-related distraction is: TikTok: This app often consumes a large portion of my screen time. Its endless stream of engaging content makes it easy to lose track of time, impacting my productivity. Other social media platforms also serve as procrastination tools. I often find myself spending hours on these apps before realizing how much time has passed. Strategies to Minimize Distractions Minimizing distractions is a constant challenge. Here are some strategies I’ve tried, with varying degrees of success: Screen Time Limits: I’ve set timers using the Screen Time feature on my iPhone. However, I often override these limits or find other ways to procrastinate. Focused Work Sessions: Instead of relying solely on timers, I try to create focused work sessions. This involves setting specific goals for what I want to accomplish and taking breaks only after meeting these goals. Balancing Screen Time for Academic Purposes and Personal Well-Being Striking a balance between screen time for academic purposes and personal well-being is crucial. Here are some strategies I use: Background Noise: I often have Netflix or music playing in the background while studying. This helps me focus and provides a comforting backdrop without being too distracting. Scheduled Breaks: Taking regular breaks away from my screens helps me prevent burnout. I use these breaks to stretch, take a walk, or engage in offline activities.

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