Cyber Sleuthing and Digital Identity

For this blog post, Alora and I decided to cybersleuth each other  Alora Jephtas-Crail has a strong professional background in the performing arts, with over 15 years of training in competitive dance and performance. She has been involved with the Mini Express & The Expressions and is currently an instructor at SaskExpress, a reputable performing arts institution. Additionally, she is pursuing her studies at the University of Regina, which further underscores her commitment to her professional development in the field…

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Embracing Digital Citizenship in the Classroom

In today’s interconnected world, teaching digital citizenship is more important than ever. As educators, we have the responsibility to prepare students not only academically but also for responsible and ethical participation in the digital world. Understanding Digital Citizenship Digital citizenship refers to the norms of appropriate, responsible behaviour with regard to technology use. Ribble’s Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship provides a framework to guide educators in teaching students how to use technology responsibly and ethically. Integrating the Nine Elements Digital Access: Ensuring equitable access to technology for all students is fundamental. I’ll strive to provide resources and support to bridge the digital divide, making sure every student can participate fully in digital learning activities. Digital Commerce: Teaching students about the online marketplace, including how to make safe, informed purchasing decisions and understanding the implications of digital transactions, will be crucial. Incorporating lessons on digital commerce will help students navigate the complexities of online shopping and transactions responsibly. Digital Communication: Emphasizing effective and respectful communication in digital spaces is key. I’ll incorporate activities that teach students the appropriate use of various communication tools, fostering a culture of respect and empathy online. Digital Literacy: I’ll focus on developing students’ abilities to find, evaluate, and create information using digital technologies. This includes teaching critical thinking skills and how to discern credible sources from unreliable ones, as well as how to create digital content responsibly. Digital Etiquette: Teaching the norms of appropriate, respectful behaviour online is vital. I will cover topics such as etiquette, managing one’s digital footprint, and understanding the impact of one’s online behaviour on others. Digital Law: Educating students about the legal issues surrounding digital technology use, including copyright, plagiarism, and digital piracy, will be essential. Students will learn the importance of respecting intellectual property and the legal ramifications of their actions online. Digital Rights and Responsibilities: I’ll emphasize the balance between having digital rights and understanding the responsibilities that come with them. This includes the right to privacy and freedom of expression, as well as the responsibility to respect others’ rights and adhere to ethical guidelines. Digital Health and Wellness: Addressing the physical and psychological impacts of digital technology use will be part of my curriculum. Students will learn about maintaining a healthy balance between screen time and offline activities, recognizing the signs of digital addiction, and practicing safe ergonomics. Digital Security: Teaching students how to protect their personal information and understand cybersecurity principles is crucial. I’ll incorporate lessons on creating strong passwords, recognizing phishing scams, and the importance of protecting personal data. Implementing a Digital Citizenship Program Nathan Jurgenson’s concept of “The IRL Fetish” challenges the binary thinking that often devalues digital spaces in favour of face-to-face interactions. Recognizing the legitimacy and value of digital communication is crucial. By validating students’ online experiences and helping them navigate these spaces responsibly, I can foster a more holistic understanding of their social worlds. By adopting a comprehensive, integrated approach to digital citizenship education, I aim to equip my students with the skills and knowledge they need to navigate the digital world responsibly and ethically. Let’s embrace the digital age and prepare our students for the future, both online and offline.

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Discovering the Joy of Coding

For this blog post, I decided to experiment with Hour Of Code on” I decided to join the dance Party, AI Edition activity, and found it to be both engaging and educational. Below are some screenshots that capture my progress throughout the challenge, What I Learned During this activity, I learned the basics of block-based coding, which is an excellent introduction for beginners. The interface is user-friendly, and the instructions are clear, making it easy to follow along even…

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Integrating Digital Citizenship in the Classroom

Increasing digital literacy in the classroom is essential for combating fake news and its associated dangers. In my subject area and grade range, teaching digital literacy could be integrated into the curriculum through various engaging and practical methods. Here’s a comprehensive approach based on the goals of the NCTE framework and insights from several key articles: Teaching Digital Literacy in the Classroom Critical Evaluation of Sources: Lesson Plan: Begin with lessons on how to critically evaluate the credibility of online…

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Navigating The Digital World

Approaching digital citizenship in the classroom is essential in today’s technology-driven world. Integrating the nine elements of digital citizenship into the curriculum ensures that students become responsible and informed digital citizens. My approach will start with ensuring digital access for all students, providing equitable access to technology, and encouraging the use of school resources outside of class hours for those lacking home access. Teaching digital commerce will involve educating students about the intricacies of online buying and selling, emphasizing secure…

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