Just “chicken” in…

Hey there! I’m just “chicken” to share my latest watercolour painting – chickens!  Why chickens, you ask? Well, these were painted near the end of March, which marked two important chicken-related occasions: Easter and my dad’s 60th birthday. And while the Easter-chicken connection is obvious (eggs), I’m sure you’re confused about what chickens have to […]

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Tying Off… (Longest Ever Post!!)

​As the year comes to an end, it is time to wrap up my learning project. Learning how to crochet has been a very very fun assignment, and I am glad I got this experience to try learning more about one of my own passions and hobbies – and excuse it as homework LOL. I also feel like I have more confidence to show everyone what I have made and tell them about my hobby, instead of hiding it all in my room where no one will ever see it! This journey has definitely taught me a lot about c […]

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